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Icon SunFilledIcon MoonStars


Fuel Wallet

With the Fuel Wallet,
you can explore DApps on Fuel
and manage your crypto assets,
all in one place.

Supported on

Icon LinkWallet SDK

After installing our browser extension, the wallet SDK will be injected automatically on the window object on the property fuel. To access it, you can use window.fuel.

You can see the SDK working on the Getting Started page.

Icon LinkInstall from source code

You can also install the next version of Fuel Wallet directly from source code. To do this:

  • Download FuelWallet zip file Icon Link;
  • Inside Chrome or Brave;
  • Open the extensions page; it can be done by:
    • Clicking on settings -> extensions or;
    • Accessing brave://extensions/ or chrome://extensions/.
  • Enable the "Developer mode" switch on the top right
  • Load fuel-wallet.zip by:
    • Dragging your downloaded Fuel wallet file and dropping it in the extensions page or;
    • Clicking on Load unpacked and selecting the file.
  • If all goes right, an onboarding page will instantly open.

The Fuel Wallet extension is now ready to use.